If you’re planning to start a personal finance blog, but you’re reluctant because you’re not quite sure where to start, know that there are plenty of resources you can use to begin your journey!
If you have strong personal finance insights, then you could find success in starting a blog on personal finance and sharing your ideas. Since personal finance is a part of everybody’s life, you can’t fathom the kind of inquiries people have in various aspects of personal finance.
Personal finance bloggers sometimes start by writing and sharing money-saving tips on their individual financial experiences. It’s a whole lot of fun! You can do it, too, because it is not that hard, and because you have these blogging tips and resources to guide you through the process.
Find Your Niche
Many people want to explore the bloggerverse. The issue is that they are either discouraged or uncertain about what to write about. Some go as far as attempting to blog on all subjects and end up with little to no achievement.
That’s why you need to find a niche to write about and then stick to it. There are many financial blogs out there, but a personal finance blog is a good start to establish your niche.
For example, you can look even further and choose the financial aspects that matter to you: how to earn cash as a stay at home parent or how to make some money while shopping. There are high possibilities here, and you will almost always have an audience that feels that passion.
Take a little time just to decide what you’re excited to write about, and fill the information void. What you will discover is eventually going to find you more and more readers.
Think of a Blog Name
You want to generate a few name choices for the website after thinking up your niche. It may seem like it is very crucial to figure out the perfect blog name, but it really isn’t.
For a period of a couple of days, brainstorm blog names, researching what is available.
Only stick with the best available choice. Today, launching a personal finance blog and getting it up and running is better than having a blog in four months from now.
In the future, you can always modify your blog’s name if you come up with anything better.
How the Name Relates to the Audience
The name of your blog will not be what pushes people to read your posts; it is the content itself that attracts more audiences to your website.
With that said, when selecting your blog name, there are some things that you’ll need to give heed to.
It should be short, relevant to the nature and niche of your blog, and a .com domain.
Few personal finance niche bloggers often use domain names with .eu or other suffixes, but the most prominent one is always considered to be a domain name ending with .com.
Dish Out Unique and Entertaining Content
One of the essential elements for getting your blog to triumph is making entertaining and original content.
This is so crucial that search engines use this factor to either place a premium on unique content or lower their rankings on your website.
Understudying those in your niche is the first thing to do. Take a glance at the blogs out there, their style of writing, their source materials, and how their content is dished out.
On any blog you feel would be helpful to readers, you can use the skyscraper method.
More Tips on Content Creation
By doing further research on the blog, gather more information on stuff that has been deprecated or boosted, then try to add it to your content or remove where necessary.
Next, to make it more unique, make sure that you throw in your own thoughts and ideas in your posts. Originality and a personal touch fits well for a personal finance niche, where people want to see their own values reflected in your content.
Your presentation method should be catchy and appropriately interesting to take and retain the attention of your readers.
Documenting your financial journey with money with a personal finance blog is a great way to earn money or even scale it into a business.